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U10's fund raising challenge for new build - The 3 Peaks

U10's fund raising challenge for new build - The 3 Peaks

Karl Hutchinson6 Jun 2016 - 14:21
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Places available if you would like to step up to help

On the 23rd July 2016 the parents of Hull Wyke under 10s will be walking the 3 yorkshire peaks for the new build fund and various charities.

The Yorkshire 3 Peaks covers a distance of about 24 miles and has over 5000ft of ascent/descent. The route starts in the village of Horton-in-Ribblesdale and we ascend Pen-Y-Ghent, Whernside and finally Inglebrough before returning to Horton-in-Ribblesdale.

It certainly is a challenge, but it is achievable! We aim to complete this in under 12 hours, however I do believe that completing the circuit is an achievement in itself, no matter the time. The vast majority of people will complete the challenge within 10-12 hours.

If anyone else would like to join the 27 of us in raising monies I have 3 places available, it will cost you £55.

Any enquiries ring Nick on 07966893922 or speak to the coaches or team manager.

All support and donation pledges welcome.

Further reading